



Common problems and reasons in the self-leveling cement floor

點擊數(shù):30302018-07-17 14:24:48 來源: 佛山市南海邦盾裝飾材料有限公司

A, self-leveling stomatal too much The original ground up the sand.
Not besmear interface agent or interface agent not cover;
The original ground dry water faster; Interface agent bad sealing process

Second, self-leveling shell, craze The original ground up the sand.
Not besmear interface agent or interface agent not cover;
The ground water or acid, alkali, salt, oil and other ingredients;
Original surface cleaning not thoroughly, with ash, the old powder, metal powder;
The original crack in the ground, before doing self-leveling shrinkage joint not fill;
Self-leveling itself quality problem; The original ground for non absorbent ground such as marble, steel plate, etc

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