



The influencing factors of epoxy mortar floor curing time

點擊數:31212018-07-17 14:24:01 來源: 佛山市南海邦盾裝飾材料有限公司

Self-leveling cement of different manufacturers, there will be A different problem, the product of A manufacturer may be easy to get the problem of "white" B manufacturers may be prone to "folds of cloth grain". This requires the construction of familiar with the characteristics of the different brand cement, making focusing on the construction technology, which ensures that the cement gravity on the surface of the ground and perfect. ChengCheng hao letter of self-leveling cement using the German advanced technology, quality guaranteed, price cheap, as long as you the right to carry on the construction, must be able to make you satisfied with the effect of the ground.

Self-leveling cement on the surface to guarantee the quality of surface, including: the color difference, flatness, etc. While self-leveling cement leveling, for the above problems can be ignored, it is also facing self-leveling cement ground one important reason for the high prices.

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