



Understand the PVC floor are faced with the problem

點擊數:30362018-07-17 14:23:34 來源: 佛山市南海邦盾裝飾材料有限公司

Suit the remedy to the case, targeted, can achieve the expected effect. Want to innovation leading change, we need to first deeply understands, PVC floor what are the problems facing at present stage. Who can do this, who will occupy the initiative.

With this purpose, the reporter visited a number of PVC flooring manufacturers. Among them, the peak from hunan chang building materials co., LTD. (Chloe, elastic floor) learned that "the product of a single" is the main problem facing the current PVC floor.

Most of the current domestic production are general-purpose PVC floor, need to use glue for installation is characterized. When faced with the sand, the ash, uneven ground, as well as the wet ground, barely use this kind of floor, will appear difficult installation, after installation will not be solid, the ground state such as blister easily.

In recent years, in the traditional PVC floor, there is a based on the PVC floor, combined with modern polymer technology research and development of polymer floor, can greatly reduce wear and prolong service life. But mainly used in industrial field, and also need to use glue for installation, bad cannot be applied to the ground.

With this purpose, the reporter visited a number of PVC flooring manufacturers. Among them, the peak from hunan chang building materials co., LTD. (Chloe, elastic floor) learned that "the product of a single" is the main problem facing the current PVC floor.

Most of the current domestic production are general-purpose PVC floor, need to use glue for installation is characterized. When faced with the sand, the ash, uneven ground, as well as the wet ground, barely use this kind of floor, will appear difficult installation, after installation will not be solid, the ground state such as blister easily.

In recent years, in the traditional PVC floor, there is a based on the PVC floor, combined with modern polymer technology research and development of polymer floor, can greatly reduce wear and prolong service life. But mainly used in industrial field, and also need to use glue for installation, bad cannot be applied to the ground.

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