



The choose and buy PVC floor glue need to pay attention to the problem

點擊數:30202018-07-17 14:22:56 來源: 佛山市南海邦盾裝飾材料有限公司

One, with the design of the lock is better
On the market of PVC floor generally has two kinds, one kind is with a lock, one kind is with no lock. Without a lock floor is similar to a flat, usually the price in 20 or 30 yuan, the back glue, fixed by glue. Products with the lock on the edge of the floor has a lock design, two boards can be fixed by lock up. Usually with lock products without lamination.
With the design of the lock from all aspects are better than no lock products. No lock floor is posted, need to manually aligned, the ability of the shop is stuck has certain requirements. No lock clamping floors, once are strongly, the floor displacement may occur, there is also a certain risk of water seepage, everyday use. In addition, there may be a marginal risk of warping.
With lock design of the floor, when the shop is stuck is relatively straightforward, card clasp firmly solid floor, may reduce the displacement. Good fit card buckle, cracks on the surface of the floor is very small, also has certain dustproof and waterproof function. Not afraid of the floor will warp, deformation, long service life, better practicability.

Second, free installation, more environmentally friendly
Some PVC floor behind own glue, like double-sided adhesive, tear off the back of paper paste can be fixed. However, with the design of the back glue to consider two questions. Whether or not environmental protection, first of all, the glue itself will not exist formaldehyde to exceed bid. Inferior glue possible health risks. In addition, although some gum claims that regular sex strong, but with the passage of time, the back glue is likely to aging, harden and reducing fixed capacity. Therefore, if the simple fixed back glue, must choose the products with good quality.
Avoid glue more recommended installation, reduce environmental concern, and without glue, need fixed card buckle, stability more secure. Usually free glue product underside of macromolecule material, with non-slip moisture-proof performance, can better adapt to the wet weather, reduce the daily care of trouble

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