



The dominant brand floor will become the industry market

點擊數:30742018-07-17 14:22:00 來源: 佛山市南海邦盾裝飾材料有限公司

Although today the floor material usage and sales are in the rising stage, but really can be known by consumers, has a large number of the floor of the enterprise brand advantage is still less. Our country industry international well-known brand in the field of floor still occupies a larger advantage. Industry experts believe that as consumers for the floor quality, service and brand value, the brand advantage of the floor will be an important factor of leading industry market.
Since the floor into the domestic market in the 80 s, has been vigorously promoting, is now in business, education, medicine, industry, sports and other fields have become more widely used. As domestic floor sales increased year by year, domestic flooring industry to flourish, but less well-known brands. In many family is decorated in the floor has become a trend, and in the north also belong to the family decoration materials in the ground floor of new products, sales staff its development also has received the floor by floor brand impact.
With the increase of domestic use floor market, foreign capital and joint venture to join will make further heated market competition, industry will inevitably face the overall reshuffle. Increase the intensity of structural adjustment, realize the intensive management is the main trend in flooring industry production development, through the integration of enterprise scale, some older in terms of production technology and management concept of the enterprise or small businesses will face the severe situation, the floor of the industry in China will inevitably enter the brand advantage leading consumer market in the new situation of development.

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