



Need to pay attention to the floor appears blister, become warped edge

點擊數:31332018-07-17 14:21:20 來源: 佛山市南海邦盾裝飾材料有限公司

The floor the cause of the blister, become warped edge there are three main types:
1. Is the issue of floor material itself;
2. Is the construction process caused by improper;
3. May be adhesive selection error;

Some floor production control is not strict may cause the floor size rate of change is too big. The effect of heat bilges cold shrink. There is not construction when rolling timely lead to lost bond glue missed the best time to open, sheet after the floor is the main problem is become warped edge, of course also and objective factors have a certain relationship, when I was on business last December qinhuangdao met such a site, then the owner choose is 457 mm * 457 mm * 2 mm sheet flooring, after laying emerged in a few days later become warped edge, is very ugly and repair is very difficult, after understanding the local temperature has reached 20 degrees below zero at the time, and the Windows and doors are not installed. At the sight of the bad weather, suddenly speechless, so construction must let indoor temperature is 15 degrees Celsius - 20 degrees Celsius.

Coil focused problem is sparkling, when the shop installs blocks are produced by the air inside the cover on the ground floor, if excluded is not hard to repair. Adhesive is on the other hand, complementary makings glue generally divided into two types, one is filling glue, the second is filling adhesive, professional term of pressure sensitive adhesive, the glue area is less, but the viscosity is admirable, the glue area is almost more than half of the former, paste this glue suitable for summer 2 mm quartz heart body sheet floor floor or homogenous. Some businessmen in order to save material cost, with pressure sensitive adhesive to attach the coil floor directly, the consequences are too clear, sparkling become warped edge is the norm, so a good product, construction technology and reliable installation team, supporting the construction materials can to a certain extent, reduce the occurrence of quality problems.

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