



Epoxy self-leveling floor construction technology

點擊數:40422018-07-17 14:35:51 來源: 佛山市南海邦盾裝飾材料有限公司

Compared with flat coating epoxy resin floor, epoxy self-leveling floor paint has very excellent strong compressive resistance, impact resistance, wear resistance, carry walking under 2 tons of forklift, acid-proof, alkali resistance and mildew resistance, surface coating and beautiful bright beautiful, construction is convenient, construction cost is not high also, economy is durable.

Epoxy self-leveling floor dust-free workshop

Epoxy self-leveling floor construction matters needing attention:

1, construction temperature 5 ~ 35 ℃, the temperature too high or too low, please consult the manufacturer of construction environment humidity range of 30-80%.

2, the main paint and curing agent of epoxy self-leveling coatings should be used in strict accordance with the mixing ratio, fully stir well before use, and use the filter cloth filter.

3, every process must wait until a coating to achieve work can proceed, not hasty to force the construction.

4, to the process of different thickness, middle dosage of blown sand material can make appropriate adjustments according to actual situation.

Epoxy self-leveling floor construction process:

A, base processing

The moisture content of 1, based on the ground to below 8%, cement floor strength in C25 above;

2, on the earth's surface oil, sundries and other clean;

3, to repair the cracks on the ground to;

4, using the grinding polishing machine on the ground, and will clean up the dust.

Second, besmear brushs epoxy primer

1, will be main light lei epoxy primer paint and curing agent by 2:1, with mixer fully stir well;

2, blowing the homogeneous mix of primer (rolling) besmear is based on the ground, and finished in 30 minutes.

3, reference usage: 0.15 kg/square meters.

Three, coating mortar in the coating layer

1, will light lei epoxy paint (5:1) in proportion to blend to add a moderate amount of 40 ~ 100 mesh quartz sand mix;

2, with flat knife or flattening machine homogeneous batch exactly on the coating.

3, reference usage: 0.25 kg/square meters.

Warm reminder: please in the bottom of the coating to dry fully before coating with mortar layer.

Four, coating layer of the tu be bored with child

1. The optical lei epoxy paint (5:1) in proportion to blend to add a moderate amount of filler (e.g., quartz powder, talcum powder) mix;

2, with a flat knife homogeneous batch on the mortar layer, the key fill quartz mortar layer in the process of batch of scraping the legacy of concave and convex and imperfect of the local area.

3, reference usage: 0.15 kg/square meters.

Warm reminder: please in epoxy mortar layer after fully dry, and then to the construction of epoxy putty layer.

Five, besmear in the grinding, vacuuming

Stay in the layer of the tu be bored with child after fully dry, with large grinding machine with fine sand into the grinding processing, and will be treated as dust clean.

Six, steamed bread with their plane epoxy paint

1, will light lei their plane epoxy paint (5:1)

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