



Electrostatic harm to human body

點擊數:31892018-07-17 14:18:44 來源: 佛山市南海邦盾裝飾材料有限公司

Electrostatic harm to human body
Electrostatic hazards in production
, such as plastic shell production line, plastic shell due to electrostatic spray painting, electroplating, surface roughness, trachoma, feel bad.
In toilet roll paper, leather, plastic, chemical cloth/film production line, because of high insulation materials, the operation speed, surface charge is not easy to loss, high electrostatic, when operators hit will have get an electric shock feeling, can make the material breakdown between the layers, affect the quality of the product.
In the electronics industry, IC, LCD, LED, such as fine assembly line, according to statistics, from static to the electronics manufacturing industry, causes the loss of more than $two hundred a year!
In printing and packaging enterprises, due to static electricity can cause equipment control failure; Into the paper, paper not neat. In transfer printing, more can lead to low accuracy, the ink must be serious, seriously affect the product quality.
Electrostatic harm to human body
We know that the electrostatic hazard in industrial production, not only affect the production, but also easy to cause a variety of fire explosion accidents, the study found that static electricity is harmful to human body. Human body under static radiation for a long time, can make people agitated, headache, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, a cough. In family life, electrostatic chemical fiber clothes are not only, at the foot of the carpet, daily plastic utensils, shiny paint furniture and all kinds of household appliances are likely to appear electrostatic phenomenon, electrostatic adsorption amounts of dust in the air and the greater the charge, the more the amount of adsorption dust, and the dust often contain a variety of toxic substances and bacteria, light stimulation of the skin, the luster of the skin and tender, or the skin Ban sores, more serious still can cause symptoms such as bronchial asthma and arrhythmia.

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