



Epoxy floor how to use longer

點擊數:31052018-07-17 14:17:33 來源: 佛山市南海邦盾裝飾材料有限公司

In the age of the epoxy floor, because of the high epoxy floor paint is a beautiful and practical, the service life of it normally use fixed number of year in five years or so, but the correct use of floor paint and do the maintenance, may be appropriately extend the life of the floor, so that can save cost and resources for users. So how to extend the service life of floor paint, see below:
1, be careful with machinery. If long-term by epoxy floor of heavy machinery friction or hard object hit will harm it, the surface of flowers, of the floor surface drops and floors, so pay special attention to avoid the use of the steel wheel,, don't let the floor has a heavy load.
2, the surface daily cleaning. On the surface of the floor cleaning swab with water in general is ok, but if the surface is pollution, there are difficult to clean stains, then use the professional cleaning lotion, or you can use the industrial scale remover, finally rinse immediately with water. If human can't clear the stains, you can also use the mechanical cleaning surface.
3, be careful with chemicals. Some often used pharmaceutical production workshop, laboratory chemicals, if not heart touches the ground, will make the beautiful and performance of the ground is destroyed, so be careful to use at ordinary times, such as the ground has been polluted, not carefully to clean in time.

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