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  • 2018-07-17
    Epoxy self-leveling floor construction technology

    新聞?wù)篊ompared with flat coating epoxy resin floor, epoxy self-leveling floor paint has very excellent strong compressive resistance, impact resistance, wear resistance, carry walking under 2 tons of forklift, acid-proof, alkali resistance and mildew resistance

  • 2018-07-17
    The advantage of Bander PVC emulsion

    新聞?wù)篜VC floor is made of good can be arbitrary cutting knife, the construction can be simple, can also be seamless welding; The wooden floor, the installation work. PVC plastic floor special foam structure design

  • 2018-07-17
    Electrostatic harm to human body

    新聞?wù)篍lectrostatic harm to human body Electrostatic hazards in production , such as plastic shell production line, plastic shell due to electrostatic spray painting, electroplating, surface roughness, trachoma, feel bad.

  • 2018-07-17
    Epoxy floor how to use longer

    新聞?wù)篒n the age of the epoxy floor, because of the high epoxy floor paint is a beautiful and practical, the service life of it normally use fixed number of year in five years or so, but the correct use of floor paint and do the maintenance, may be appropriatel

更多>Industry news

  • 2018-07-17
    The dominant brand floor will become the industry market

    新聞?wù)篈lthough today the floor material usage and sales are in the rising stage, but really can be known by consumers, has a large number of the floor of the enterprise brand advantage is still less. Our country industry international well-known brand in the fi

  • 2018-07-17
    Need to pay attention to the floor appears blister, become warped edge

    新聞?wù)篢he floor the cause of the blister, become warped edge there are three main types: 1. Is the issue of floor material itself; 2. Is the construction process caused by improper;

  • 2018-07-17
    Teach you three methods for cleaning the floor dust

    新聞?wù)篒ts clean the floor first of all bear in mind that as long as it's not through special craft processing, also has the natural attributes of wood floor is not a lot of contact with water, because wood is one of natural properties easily swell deformation,


  • 2018-07-17
    Common problems and reasons in the self-leveling cement floor

    新聞?wù)篈, self-leveling stomatal too much The original ground up the sand. Not besmear interface agent or interface agent not cover; The original ground dry water faster; Interface agent bad sealing process

  • 2018-07-17
    The influencing factors of epoxy mortar floor curing time

    新聞?wù)篠elf-leveling cement of different manufacturers, there will be A different problem, the product of A manufacturer may be easy to get the problem of "white" B manufacturers may be prone to "folds of cloth grain"

  • 2018-07-17
    Understand the PVC floor are faced with the problem

    新聞?wù)篠uit the remedy to the case, targeted, can achieve the expected effect. Want to innovation leading change, we need to first deeply understands, PVC floor what are the problems facing at present stage. Who can do this, who will occupy the initiative.

  • 2018-07-17
    The choose and buy PVC floor glue need to pay attention to the problem

    新聞?wù)篛ne, with the design of the lock is better On the market of PVC floor generally has two kinds, one kind is with a lock, one kind is with no lock. Without a lock floor is similar to a flat, usually the price in 20 or 30 yuan, the back glue, fixed by glue.

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